Heat Map

Modified on 2016/04/12 08:50 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized


    Heat Map on Bid & Offer

  1. Disable on Price Disables: the Heat Map on bid and offer price.
  2. Disable on Size Disables: the Heat Map on bid and offer size.
  3. Disable on Edge Disables: the Heat Map on edge.
  4. Bid Over Theoretical: Choose the formats when the bid is over the theoretical price. Colors, font size and style.
  5. Offered Under Theoretical: Choose the formats when the offer is under the theoretical price. Colors, font size and style.
  6. Heat Map on Last Trade

  7. Disable on Last Trade: Disable the Heat Map on last trade.
  8. Disable Fading: Disables the color fading on last trade. Disables the color format fade into the original background color. Configure amount of time in the Display Time Field.
  9. Display Time: Set the fading time of Last Trade in seconds.
  10. When Buyer Initiates: Choose the formats when the buyer initiates the trade. Colors, font size and style.
  11. When Seller Initiates: Choose the formats when the seller initiates the trade. Colors, font size and style.